In the past, I had always "tuned out" whenever more advanced chiliheads would describe many yellow superhots as having a "citrusy" flavor profile. I always figured that the reviewers had a higher tolerance for heat/pain & they were tasting things that my undeveloped palate simply couldn't. Then, on the strength of some very favorable reviews (shout out to Johnny Scoville!), I decided to put together an order from Julz' Creations. I decided to get a range of hot sauces from medium to hot (Green-eyed Monster, Citrus Bomb, and Scorpion Stinger), as well as a big jar of the scorpion dill pickles (btw- you should see if you could make a full color version of the black & white scorpion dills logo t-shirt; it's kind of a shame to see that brilliant artwork without the color that makes the label on the jar "pop" like it does- but I digress). Those pickles didn't even survive but a few weeks of snack addict pummeling from me, & the sauces were all spicy AND delicious. But the big shocker was the Citrus Bomb; even though it was listed by you as 8-10 for heat level, I found that the lower rated Green-eyed Monster (7-10 heat) tasted hotter. But by FAR, the biggest surprise was the flavor. Right up front, with nary an orange, lemon, grapefruit or lime within MILES of the ingredient list, was exactly what was advertised; an EXPLOSION of fruity citrus flavor & freshness, followed by respectable but not unmanageable heat- with that slightest hint of honey rounding off any "sharp corners". I was FLOORED- I thought that I was still many years of tolerance building away from being able to pick out these nuanced flavors. This is an absolute MASTER CLASS in building a balanced sauce; after tasting this, I went back to the others & found that Julz' sauces all share a similar "fingerprint" of freshness & beautiful pepper flavor, besides just being pleasingly hot. Bravo, Julz' Creations...10 out of 10- can't wait to try more!!